ISO 18788 - Clause 4.2 - SOMS Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders
ISO 18788 Clause 4.2 focuses on the requirement for understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders within the Security Operations Management System (SOMS). This clause emphasizes the importance of identifying and comprehending the interests, concerns, and requirements of various stakeholders to effectively manage security operations. Here's an explanation of the key elements of this clause:
Clause 4.2 - SOMS Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Stakeholders:
Identification of Stakeholders: The organization should identify all relevant stakeholders who have an interest in or can affect security operations. This includes but is not limited to clients, employees, regulatory authorities, suppliers, partners, local communities, and other entities that interact with the organization's security activities.
Needs and Expectations: Once stakeholders are identified, the organization should determine and document their needs, expectations, concerns, and requirements related to security operations. This information should cover a wide range of areas, including safety, compliance, ethical considerations, and security performance.
Prioritization: Prioritize the identified needs and expectations based on their significance and potential impact on security operations. Some stakeholder requirements may carry more weight or legal obligations than others.
Communication Channels: Establish effective communication channels with stakeholders to gather their input and feedback regularly. This may involve surveys, meetings, interviews, or other methods to engage with stakeholders and ensure their perspectives are considered.
Integration with the SOMS: Ensure that the identified stakeholder needs and expectations are integrated into the Security Operations Management System (SOMS). This involves aligning security policies, procedures, and activities with stakeholder requirements.
Compliance and Legal Obligations: Consider any legal or regulatory requirements related to stakeholder engagement and ensure compliance with them. Some industries or regions may have specific mandates regarding stakeholder communication and consultation.
Monitoring and Review: Continuously monitor and review stakeholder needs and expectations to stay up-to-date with any changes or evolving concerns. This information can help the organization adapt its security operations accordingly.
Feedback Mechanism: Establish a mechanism for stakeholders to provide feedback, report concerns, or request information related to security operations. Ensure that this mechanism is accessible and responsive.
Documentation: Document the results of stakeholder engagement, including their needs and expectations, in a systematic and accessible manner. This documentation should be used as a reference point for decision-making and improvements.
Continuous Improvement: Use the insights gained from stakeholder engagement to drive continuous improvement in security operations and enhance the organization's ability to meet stakeholder needs and expectations.
Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders is vital for maintaining trust, managing security risks, and demonstrating commitment to security excellence within the SOMS. It helps the organization align its security strategies with the interests of key stakeholders and fosters a culture of transparency and accountability.
Specific procedures and documentation related to stakeholder engagement should be developed and implemented in accordance with the organization's unique needs and the requirements of ISO 18788.