Complete the Evaluation Form
Response Time: Speed of response to inquiries/issues.
Resolution Time: Time taken to resolve problems/concerns.
Reliability: Consistency and dependability in delivering products/services.
Expertise: Level of technical/product expertise demonstrated.
Defects/Deficiencies: Issues affecting quality, functionality, performance, scalability, compliance, and customer support.
Delivery Performance: Timeliness and accuracy of deliveries.
Complaint Handling: Effectiveness in resolving complaints.
Value for Money: Balance between price and quality.
Provider Type: Select "Internal for Employees/ External for Suppliers."
Last Assessment Date: Enter the last assessment date. For first-time assessments, enter the initial date of the assessment period.
Assessment Period: Enter start and end dates (must be a past period). For first-time assessments, the start date should be the same as the last assessment date.
Supplier Representative (FOR Suppliers Only): Enter the names of the supplier representatives you are sharing the assessment with.
- Rate Performance: Assign scores for each KPI from 1 to 5, where (1- Performance falls significantly below expectations, 2 - Performance is below expectations, 3 - Performance meets basic requirements but lacks consistency, 4 - Performance consistently meets or exceeds expectations and 5 - Performance consistently exceeds expectations) and provide comments for each:
Overall Performance Score: Computed based on the scores given.
Improvement Plan
Select areas for improvement by checking the relevant boxes.
Provide additional descriptions of the required improvements.
Assessor Details
Choose your name from the assessor list.
Enter the date for the next assessment.
Submit the Evaluation
Click "Submit."
- For Internal assessment of employees, the appraised employee will receive an emailnotification with a lik to complete the self assessment. When he submits, the assessor will also receive an email notification with a link to analyse the assessment.
STEP 2: Requesting Supplier's Self-Evaluation (FOR SUPPLIERS ONLY)
Navigate to the "EVALUATION" Section
Hover over "Partner Performance Evaluation" and click "View Evaluation Results."
Copy the Review Number
Copy the review number from the first column of the report (e.g., A-SYS-EA-Q-08052024109).
Compose an Email to the Supplier
Email Content:
Dear [Supplier's Name],
We hope this email finds you well.
As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the highest standards of performance, we kindly request you to complete the self-performance evaluation by following the instructions below:
Open the self-performance evaluation form – CLICK HERE
Copy and paste this evaluation code “ A-SYS-EA-Q-08052024109 ” in the given textbox to view and complete the assessment.
When completing the assessment, please view our assessment on the left and counter assess yourself on the right by selecting the appropriate scores given on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being Poor and 5 being Excellent, add comments and submit.
STEP 3: Analysing Self-Assessment Results
Receive Email Notification
When the supplier completes the self-assessment, you will receive an email notification.
Analyze Supplier Self-Assessment Results
Navigate to the "EVALUATION" section, hover over "Partner Performance Evaluation," and click "Step 3: Analyze Supplier Self-Assessment Results."
Click the "Analyze" button to review the assessment. Adjust your initial assessment, if necessary, then click "Submit" to save the assessment.
Last Step, Sharing Final Assessment:
View Evaluation Results
Navigate to the "EVALUATION" section, hover over "Partner Performance Evaluation," and click "View Evaluation Results."
Filter and Export Records
Filter the supplier’s records using "Provider Type" as "External" and type the organization name, including past assessments.
Export the records to CSV, convert to Excel, and format the report.
Send the Final Report
Email the final report to the supplier and encourage them to act on the improvement plans.