The Corrective Action Management feature in CIMSNex is designed to log and request corrective actions for non-conformities identified after various activities, such as audits, drills, or reviews. This feature is seamlessly integrated with the activity scheduler, allowing users to address issues promptly as they arise. Once an activity is verified and completed, it will appear under Corrective Action Create. Users can then click on the "Add" button against the respective activity and fill out the following form fields:
Corrective Action Request
CAR No.: This field represents the unique identifier or number assigned to the Corrective Action Request (CAR). It helps in tracking and referencing the specific CAR throughout the process.
CAR Date: This field captures the date when the CAR was initiated or generated.
Business Service: This field specifies the business service or area to which the CAR is related. It helps in categorizing and assigning the CAR to the appropriate service owner or team.
Finding: This field describes the type of finding or issue identified, i.e. Nonconformity or Area for Improvement
CAR source: Select the Standard of reference e.g. QMS
Element: Select the clause of reference e.g. 9001 - 9.2 ...
Additional Description: This field allows for providing any additional information or details related to the CAR, such as specific observations, supporting evidence, or relevant context.
Request to: This field specifies the person or team to whom the CAR is assigned or directed. It indicates who is responsible for addressing and implementing the corrective actions.
Request Description: This field provides a detailed description of the correction or containment action required to address the identified finding or issue.
Planning a Corrective Action Request
Car No: This field represents the unique identifier or number assigned to the CAR Planning. It helps in tracking and referencing the specific CAR throughout the planning process.
Rootcause: Select the potential rootcause optionfrom the list. The approach is based on a cause-and-effect diagram (Ishkawa method) that visually represents potential causes of a problem. It categorizes causes into major groups such as People, Processes, Machines, Materials, Environment, and Management (the 6 Ms), helping to identify root causes systematically.
- Management: This category relates to non-conformities associated with organizational processes, policies, leadership, and strategic decisions.
- Environment: Non-conformities related to environmental aspects, sustainability, pollution control, and compliance with environmental regulations fall under this category.
- Material: Material-related non-conformities involve issues with raw materials, product quality, procurement, and inventory management.
- Machine: Non-conformities related to equipment, machinery, maintenance, and safety of machinery fall into this category.
- Processes: Process-related non-conformities pertain to deviations from established procedures, workflow inefficiencies, and process control failures.
- People: Non-conformities associated with human resources, training, competency, and workforce management belong to this category.
Root Cause Description: This field provides a detailed description or analysis of the identified root cause. It explains the contributing factors, weaknesses, or failures that led to the issue.
Corrective Action: This field selects the corrective action plan to address the root cause. It specifies the appropriate course of action or solution to address the root cause and prevent its recurrence.
Additional Details: This field allows for providing detailed description of the corrctive action plan.
Assigned to: This field specifies the person or team responsible for executing the planned actions or implementing the proposed solutions. It indicates the individuals who will be accountable for driving the corrective actions forward.
When: This field captures the date or timeline for when the planned actions or solutions are expected to be implemented or completed.
Verifying the Corrective Action
Verification Status: Indicate the status of verification to determine if the feedback has been addressed and resolved.
Completion Date: Enter the date when the verification process for the feedback was completed.
Completed by: Specify the name or identifier of the person responsible for completing the verification process.
Comment/Lesson Learnt: Add any relevant comments or lessons learned during the verification process.
Upload Support Document: Attach any relevant support documents or files related to the feedback, if applicable.