Getting Started:
Accessing Communication Planning: Log in to CIMSNex using your credentials and navigate to the "Context" menu, hover on Interested Party Mapping and Click "Add Communication Plan" to initiate the process.
Click the Add button and against the interested party record for whom you need to develop a communication plan.
Fill in the required fields in the form below and Submit the form to create the communication plan.
Here are descriptions for each field in your Communication Planning feature.
Plan ID: This is a unique identification number for your communication plan. It helps in tracking and referencing the plan.
Plan Date: The date when the communication plan is created or updated.
Interested Party ID: Identification of the interested parties related to the plan. Interested parties can be stakeholders, customers, regulatory bodies, or any group or individual with an interest in the plan.
Purpose: Select the purpose of the communication plan from the dropdown. Options may include Quality, Information Security, Health and Safety, Compliance, Business Continuity, or other relevant categories. This helps in categorizing and aligning the communication efforts.
What to Communicate: Based on the purpose selected, choose what specific information or messages need to be communicated. The options in the dropdown will vary depending on the purpose selected.
Communication Details: Provide the details of the communication, including the content, key points, or any specific information that needs to be conveyed.
Communication Method: Select the method or channel through which the communication will take place. Options may include email, meetings, reports, memos, or other communication tools.
Frequency: Specify how often the communication will occur. This could be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or as needed, depending on the nature of the communication.
Recipient: Identify the intended recipient(s) of the communication. This can be specific individuals, departments, teams, or external parties, depending on the plan's scope.
By Who: Mention who is responsible for initiating or delivering the communication. This could be a specific role, department, or individual.
Additional Details: Include any supplementary information or instructions that will help in executing the communication plan effectively.
To view existing communication plans, navigate to the "Context" menu, hover on Interested Party Mapping and Click on "View Communication Plans" to access the list of communication plans created within CIMSNex.