BS ID: System generated unique identifier for the business service.
Review Date: Specify the date when the service is scheduled for review.
Business Service Name: State the name of the business service.
Service Status: Choose the current status of the service.
Upcoming: Service that is scheduled for future deployment or activation.
Active Service: Currently operational and providing its intended functions.
Retired Service: Service that has been decommissioned or no longer in use.
Emergency Mode: Service activated in response to a critical situation.
In-Pipeline: Service in the state of requirements gathering,Analysis,Approval,Charter, Developed,Release.
Pending Approval: Service awaiting official approval for deployment.
Service Category: Select the category that best describes the nature of the service.
Connectivity Service: Involves providing or enhancing network connectivity.
Security Service: Focuses on ensuring the security and integrity of systems.
Professional Service: Services offered by professionals in a specific field.
Application Service: Involves the delivery of software applications.
Technical Service: Services related to technical infrastructure and support.
Service Type: Specify whether the service is customer-facing or non-customer facing.
Non-Customer Facing Service: Services that do not directly interact with customers.
Customer Facing Service: Services designed for direct interaction with customers.
Service Owner: Indicate the department or entity responsible for the service.
Service Time: Choose the time schedule applicable to the service.
24/7: Available around the clock.
Flexible Time: Service availability varies based on organizational needs.
Night - ... to ...: Service available during specified night hours.
(Other specified time ranges): Service availability during specific time intervals.
Service Specifications: Specify the service delivery model.
Partnership Collaboration: Service involving collaboration with external partners.
Internal Provision/ Insourcing: Service provided internally within the organization usinf itnernal provides ONLY
Joint Venture: Service created through a joint partnership.
Cloud-Based Service: Service delivered through cloud computing resources.
Consultant Arrangement: Service provided by external consultants.
Outsourced: Service outsourced to external entities or vendors
Co-sourcing/Hybrid Model: Service with a combination of internal and external elements. i.e. A combination of Insourcing and Outsourcing.
Multi-sourcing: Using 2 or more vendors to work together and are inter-dependent on each others work
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Appointing external vendors to manage a business function e.g. Service Desk function
Application Service Provider (APO): To provider shared services e.g. networks
Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO): Appointing external vendors to manage domain based processes/ expertise.
Business Agreement: Select the type of agreement associated with the service.
Internal Procedure: Service governed by internal organizational procedures.
Service Request: Service initiated through a formal request process.
SaaS Agreement: Service delivered through a Software as a Service agreement.
Service Agreement: Formal agreement outlining service terms.
End User License Agreement: Agreement defining software usage terms.
Purchase Order: Service requested through a purchase order process.
Service Order/Agreement: Formal order or agreement for service delivery.
Service Level Agreement: Agreement specifying service performance levels.
Consultancy Agreement: Agreement with external consultants for service provision.
Additional Details: Provide any additional information relevant to the service.
Attachment: Attach any relevant documents or files related to the service.