This guide will help you assess the potential impact of disasters on your organization's dependencies and resources. To access the Business Impact Assessment feature, follow these steps:
- Hover over the "Planning" menu: Located on the navigation bar of CIMSNex.
- Hover "Business Continuity Planning": This option allows you to assess the impact of disasters on your organization's dependencies.
- Click "Create Business Impact Assessment": This action initiates the creation of a new business impact assessment.
Performing a Business Impact Assessment
When performing a business impact assessment, follow these steps:Select Dependency: From the list of dependencies/resources displayed, click the "Add" button next to the dependency you want to assess. Only Dependencies color-coded red should be prioritised. Fill out the following fields below in the assessment form:
BIA ID: A system-generated identifier for the Business Impact Assessment.
Date: The date when the Business Impact Assessment is conducted, with a default value set to the current date.
Potential Disaster Scenario: Selection from predefined options representing potential disaster scenarios that could impact the business.
Likelihood of Disruption:
Very Low (1): Indicates a very low likelihood of a disruptive event occurring.
Low (2): Suggests a low likelihood of a disruptive event occurring.
Medium (3): Represents a moderate likelihood of a disruptive event occurring.
High (4): Signifies a high likelihood of a disruptive event occurring.
Very High (5): Indicates a very high likelihood of a disruptive event occurring.
2 Hour Impact:
Catastrophic Impact: Indicates an extremely severe impact on business operations within the first 2 hours after a disruptive event. This level of impact may lead to significant and long-lasting consequences.
High Impact: Suggests a substantial impact on business operations within the first 2 hours after a disruptive event. The consequences are significant but may be mitigated with appropriate measures.
Acceptable Impact: Represents a manageable impact on business operations within the first 2 hours after a disruptive event. The consequences are within acceptable limits and can be addressed without causing major disruptions.
Marginal Impact: Indicates a minimal impact on business operations within the first 2 hours after a disruptive event. The consequences are minor and may have limited effects on overall business continuity.
4 Hour Impact:
Description: Similar to the 2-hour impact assessment but extended to a 4-hour timeframe.
8 Hour Impact:
Description: Impact assessment for an 8-hour timeframe after a disruptive event.
Equal/Less 24 Hours Impact:
Description: Assessment of the impact within the first 24 hours after a disruptive event.
Equal/Less 48 Hours Impact:
Description: Assessment of the impact within the first 48 hours after a disruptive event.
Equal/Less 1 Week Impact:
Description: Assessment of the impact within the first week after a disruptive event.
Maximum Total Period of Disruption (MTPD):
Description: The maximum acceptable duration of disruption in business hours, representing the period beyond which the impact is considered unacceptable.
IT System Recovery Time:
Description: The expected time for the recovery of IT systems in business hours, ensuring it is less than the Maximum Total Period of Disruption (MTPD). A value of -99 indicates that it's not applicable.
Maximum Acceptable Data Loss:
Description: The maximum allowable data loss in business hours, ensuring it is less than the Maximum Total Period of Disruption (MTPD). A value of -99 indicates that it's not applicable.
Description: An option to attach relevant documents or files related to the Business Impact Assessment.
Additional Details:
Description: Detail the critical functions or services that rely on this resource. This helps in understanding the broader impact of its disruption on business operations.
Once all fields are completed, click "Submit" to create the business impact assessment.
After submitting the assessment, you can view the Business Impact Assessment report by following these steps:
Hover over the "Planning" menu: Located on the navigation bar of CIMSNex.
Hover "Business Continuity Planning": This option allows you to manage and view business impact assessments.
Click "View Business Impact Assessment": This action displays the generated BIA report.