The HSE Hazard Logging feature in CIMSNex serves as a crucial tool for identifying, documenting, and managing health, safety, and environmental (HSE) hazards within an organization. It is closely linked to the process/activity catalog to ensure that hazards are related to specific business processes for thorough analysis and improvement.
Accessing the HSE Hazard Logging Feature:
The HSE Hazard Logging feature in CIMSNex seamlessly integrates with existing Process Activities. To access it, simply navigate to Operations/HSE Hazards/ Log and hover over the section. You'll see a list of process activities displayed. Look for HSE Administration and Support under Process description, then click the "Add" button at the end. This action will prompt a form to appear, allowing you to begin logging hazards efficiently and effectively.
When logging an HSE hazard, users are required to provide detailed information to facilitate accurate identification, assessment, and mitigation of the hazard. The fields typically included in the HSE Hazard Logging form are as follows:
Process ID: This field captures the unique identifier for the process related to the reported hazard. This is the ID of the process activity where the hazard or Inicndetn was idenfitied
Hazard No.: This field contains a unique identification number assigned to the hazard. It follows a specific format (A-SYS-HSEA-23122023475) and is used for easy reference and retrieval of hazard information. It is automatically generated by the system and serves as a reference for tracking and managing the hazard within CIMSNex.
Report Date: The date on which the hazard is being reported. Users should input the date in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
Report Time (24Hr): This field captures the time at which the hazard is reported. Users should input the time in the 24-hour format (HH:mm).
Reported by: The person or entity reporting the hazard should be entered in this field. This information helps in identifying the source of the hazard report.
Location: The specific location where the hazard occurred or was observed. It could be a physical address or a description of the area, providing context for understanding the hazard.
Hazard: This field requires the user to categorize the type of hazard being reported. It helps in classifying and prioritizing hazards appropriately.
Hazard Description: Users should provide a concise description of the identified hazard. This description should include relevant details about the nature of the hazard, such as its characteristics and potential risks.
Other Description: Any additional information or details about the hazard that may not fit into the standard hazard description field can be entered here.
Immediate Action: Users should specify any immediate actions taken or recommended to address the hazard. This helps in prompt response and mitigation.
Details of the Action: This field is for providing a more comprehensive overview of the actions taken to address the hazard. Users can elaborate on the steps taken to resolve or mitigate the hazard.
Upload Support Document: Users have the option to attach relevant supporting documents, such as images, reports, or any other files that provide additional information about the hazard. This can aid in a more thorough analysis and response to the reported hazard.
By logging and managing HSE hazards effectively using CIMSNex, organizations can proactively identify and address potential risks, minimize incidents and injuries, and maintain a safe and compliant work environment.