The HSE Incident Logging and Analysis feature in CIMSNex is essential for capturing and analyzing health, safety, and environmental (HSE) incidents within an organization. It is closely linked to the process/activity catalog to ensure that incidents are related to specific business processes for thorough analysis and improvement.
When logging an HSE incident, users need to fill out various fields to provide comprehensive information for analysis and resolution. These fields typically include:
Process ID: This field is auto-generated and identifies the process associated with the incident.
Incident ID: This field is auto-generated and provides a unique identifier for the incident.
Incident Date: Enter the date when the incident occurred in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
Incident Time (24Hr): Enter the time when the incident occurred using the 24-hour clock format (e.g., 13:45 for 1:45 PM).
Incident: Select the nature of the incident.
Reported by: Enter the name or identification of the person reporting the incident.
Location: Specify the location where the incident took place (e.g., building name, floor, room number).
Details: Provide detailed information about the incident, including any relevant observations or factors.
Activity during Incident: Select the activity or task being performed at the time of the incident.
Activity details: Provide additional details about the activity or task, including equipment or materials involved.
Severity: Select the severity level of the incident from the provided options i.e,
Minor: Minimal impact on personnel, equipment, or operations. No immediate threat to safety.
Moderate: Some impact on personnel, equipment, or operations, but manageable with minor adjustments. Potential for minor injuries or damage.
Significant: Noticeable impact on personnel, equipment, or operations, requiring immediate attention. Potential for moderate injuries or damage.
Major: Severe impact on personnel, equipment, or operations, requiring significant intervention. Potential for serious injuries or extensive damage.
Critical: Catastrophic impact on personnel, equipment, or operations, posing an imminent threat to life, safety, or the environment. Potential for fatalities or irreparable damage.
Catastrophic: Devastating impact resulting in widespread loss of life, significant environmental damage, or complete system failure. Requires immediate and comprehensive response.
Possible Cause: Select potential causes or factors contributing to the incident. These are categorised as UB - Unsafe Behaviour/ Acts, UC - Unsafe Conditions, EQI - Equipment Issues and PF - Procedure Failures.
Immediate Action: Select any immediate actions taken in response to the incident to mitigate risks or prevent further harm.
Details of the Action: Provide further details about the actions taken, including who performed them and when.
Root Cause: Select the underlying cause(s) of the incident to prevent recurrence. These are categorised as MOFs - Management and Organizational Factors, DEF - Design and Engineering Flaws, SFs - Systemic Failures, HFs - Human Factors, OC - Organizational Culture, PFs - Procedural Failures and RCI - Regulatory and Compliance Issues
Additional Details: Include any other relevant information or context related to the rootcause.
Remarks: Add any additional comments or notes related to the incident or its handling.
Attachment: Attach any supporting documents, photographs, or files relevant to the incident.