8.3.2 Weapons Authorization
This section outlines the requirements for the establishment and documentation of procedures for authorizing personnel to be armed during security operations. These authorizations must adhere to specific criteria to ensure the suitability and competency of individuals entrusted with firearms. Here's a detailed breakdown:
Weapons Authorization Procedures Establishment:
Requirements: The organization is mandated to establish and document procedures for authorizing its personnel to carry firearms while performing security operations.
Criteria for Authorization:
Authorizations should adhere to the following criteria: a) Suitability: Authorizations should only be granted to personnel deemed suitable for the tasks they are expected to perform. This assessment should consider their qualifications, experience, and background. b) Background Investigations: Individuals seeking authorization should undergo background investigations appropriate for their duties.
Specificity of Authorizations:
Authorizations should be specific to the type and model of weapon(s) intended to be carried by personnel. These authorizations should only be issued after individuals have demonstrated their qualification with that particular type and model of weapon.
Written Authorization:
All authorizations for arming personnel should be documented in writing. These documents should be signed by the appropriate authorizing official(s) using ink or digital signatures.
Documentation Retention:
The organization is responsible for retaining documentation of individual qualification results for as long as the individual holds authorization to carry firearms during security operations.
By establishing and documenting comprehensive weapons authorization procedures, organizations ensure that individuals entrusted with firearms meet specific suitability criteria and possess the required qualifications. These procedures also provide a clear framework for issuing authorizations that are specific to the type of weapon and model, helping to maintain safety and compliance with established standards.