ISO 18788 Clause 7.4.3 addresses risk communications within the Security Operations Management System (SOMS). This clause emphasizes the importance of considering safeguarding life as the highest priority when deciding whether to communicate externally about significant risks, their impacts, and their treatments to stakeholders. Here are the key elements of this clause:
Clause 7.4.3 - Risk Communications:
Decision on External Communication: The organization is responsible for making a decision regarding external communication about significant risks, their impacts, and the measures taken to address them. This decision should prioritize the safeguarding of life as the first and foremost concern.
Consultation with Stakeholders: When making the decision on external communication, the organization should engage in consultation with relevant stakeholders. This collaborative approach ensures that the perspectives and concerns of all parties are taken into account.
Documentation of Decision: The organization should document its decision regarding whether to communicate externally about significant risks. This documentation provides a record of the organization's rationale and decision-making process.
Methods of External Communication: If the decision is made to communicate externally, the organization is required to establish and implement methods for this communication. These methods may include alerts and warnings, and they should consider how information is shared with the media.
In summary, Clause 7.4.3 highlights the need for careful consideration when deciding to communicate externally about significant risks. Safeguarding life should always be the top priority. The decision should involve consultation with stakeholders, and if external communication is deemed necessary, the organization should establish clear methods for this communication, including interactions with the media.