ISO 18788 - Clause 4.1.5 - SOMS Defining risk criteria
ISO 18788 Clause 4.1.5 focuses on the requirement for defining risk criteria within the Security Operations Management System (SOMS). This clause emphasizes the importance of establishing clear and consistent criteria for evaluating and managing security risks effectively. Here's an explanation of the key elements of this clause:
Clause 4.1.5 - SOMS Defining Risk Criteria:
Risk Criteria Establishment: The organization should define and establish risk criteria that are specific to its security operations and objectives. These criteria should be based on a thorough understanding of the organization's internal and external context, as well as its risk tolerance.
Clear and Consistent Definitions: The risk criteria should include clear and consistent definitions for different risk levels or categories. This ensures that everyone within the organization understands what constitutes low, moderate, high, or extreme risk.
Quantitative and Qualitative Factors: Risk criteria should consider both quantitative and qualitative factors. Quantitative factors may include metrics, data, and measurable indicators, while qualitative factors may involve expert judgment and subjective assessments.
Alignment with Objectives: The risk criteria should align with the organization's security objectives and goals. They should help the organization prioritize risks that are most relevant to achieving its security outcomes.
Consideration of Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Ensure that the risk criteria take into account any legal or regulatory requirements related to security operations. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations should be a key component of the criteria.
Risk Tolerance and Acceptance: Clearly define the organization's risk tolerance and acceptance levels. This specifies the degree of risk the organization is willing to tolerate and the threshold beyond which risks must be mitigated or avoided.
Communication: Communicate the established risk criteria to relevant stakeholders within the organization, including those responsible for risk management and decision-making. Ensure that everyone is aware of and understands the criteria.
Documentation: Document the risk criteria in a systematic and accessible manner. This documentation should be readily available for reference and should be incorporated into risk assessment and management processes.
Continuous Review and Update: Periodically review and update the risk criteria to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Changes in the organization's context, objectives, or risk landscape may necessitate revisions to the criteria.
Consistency with ISO 18788: Ensure that the risk criteria align with the principles and requirements of ISO 18788, as well as other relevant standards or frameworks that the organization may follow.
Defining clear and well-structured risk criteria is fundamental to effective risk management within the SOMS. These criteria provide a basis for assessing and prioritizing security risks, making informed decisions, and implementing appropriate risk mitigation measures.
Please note that specific procedures and documentation related to risk criteria definition should be developed and implemented in accordance with the organization's unique needs and the requirements of ISO 18788.