ISO 18788 - Clause 8.1.4 Prevention and Management of Undesirable or Disruptive Events
- Andy Systems
- SOMS Guides
8.1.4 Prevention and Management of Undesirable or Disruptive Events and Associated Procedures:
This section emphasizes the importance of procedures to prevent, mitigate, and respond to undesirable or disruptive events. It outlines key considerations that should be addressed in these procedures. Here's a detailed breakdown:
1. Prevention and Management of Events:
Requirements: Develop procedures that clearly document how the organization will prevent, mitigate, and respond to undesirable or disruptive events.
Associated Documents:
Emergency Response Plan: Provides a structured approach for responding to various types of events.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan: Identifies potential risks and outlines measures for prevention and mitigation.
Associated Records:
Incident Reports: Document undesirable or disruptive events, including details of the response and mitigation efforts.
2. Key Considerations:
a) Performance of Security Functions: Address how security functions contribute to event prevention and management.
b) Safeguarding Life and Promoting Safety: Ensure procedures prioritize the safety of personnel and stakeholders.
c) Respect for Life and Human Dignity: Incorporate respect for human rights and dignity into event management.
d) Anticipation and Prevention: Make anticipation and prevention of undesirable events a primary focus.
e) Response and Mitigation: Detail procedures for responding to events and preventing escalation.
f) Minimizing Disruption: Describe measures to minimize disruptions to operations and services.
g) Impact on Local Communities: Consider the potential impact of events on local communities and address it.
h) Notification: Outline procedures for notifying appropriate authorities when necessary.
i) Lessons Learned: Establish processes for capturing lessons learned from events and implementing corrective and preventive actions to prevent recurrence.
By establishing, implementing, and maintaining these procedures, organizations can effectively prevent, respond to, and manage undesirable or disruptive events. These procedures are critical for safeguarding lives, promoting safety, and minimizing the impact of events on operations, stakeholders, and local communities. Additionally, they support continuous improvement through lessons learned and corrective actions.